Saturday, March 13, 2010

Alright, Alright, Alright

So I haven't been doing the pictures, but not b/c I forgot but because I can't find my SD card for the camera. I have to buy a new one. So instead of pictures you guys are going to get updates on the boys.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sorry Guys

I know that I am a day late but I tried to put my pictures up last night but for some reason it wouldn't let me. So here are pictures from yesterday. Oh yeah my mommies group is doing this Egg thing. Where you pay for someone to be patched and the money goes to charity. I don't know who did our yard but we really appreciate it!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

It was so warm

we decided to take the boys outside. We really need to get Andrew a new bike and I really think Adrian wants a bike. Andrew also played hop-scotch with our neighbors kids, Chris and Emily.


Okay so I took some pictures yesterday but I forgot to post them. Well I didn't actually forget, I was just not feeling to well. So I will post them later today when I get the time. I will also take more pictures today of the little Monsters, I mean little boys! ;)

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Crazy Boyz!

I love when I capture the perfect picture of the boys with their daddy!

Look Adrian is loving on Emma too!

Andrew is ready for school! He usually doesn't have school on Fridays, but today was his Snow make-up day.

Adrian really wanted to go with me to drop off Brother. He put his hat and his jacket on by himself.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Busy Day

I didn't get pictures of the boys earlier cause we had a busy day. And yep I forgot my camera. I will remember next time. These are the ones I got today!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Forgot about baby girl

I have to get used to take pictures of my belly til Miss Emma gets here. Oh yeah for anyone doesn't know, I will be in the hospital at 5:30am on April 21st to get my c-section done! I am so excited to meet Emma but so scared to have 3 at home. Anyways here we are.

Well I found it!

My battery charger for my camera! So now I can start taking pictures everyday of my kiddos.

I took pictures of Adrian this morning when Andrew was at school. Then I took Andrew's right now. You can see he has his Saints shirt on. He has asked to wear it everyday.

Oh yeah and today Adrian is 17 months!! My baby is growing up to fast!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tomorrow is the day!

I have decided that I need to start doing something with my time instead of playing on Facebook. I am going to start taking pictures of the boys everyday. That way the family can see how much they grow. I am also going to make another blog about Andrew's school lessons that I am going to teach him. Yes I know he goes to preschool for that but I figured why not let him learn more.

So family and friends bookmark this page and you will get to see my wild and crazy life.